King of the Lou
"King of the Lou" is an annual week-long skateboarding scavenger hunt where teams are directed by a book that contains challenges, and their goal is to complete as many challenges and tricks as possible within a week.
As the creator and manager of the event, each year I organize "King of the Lou" for over 150 participants and design the books used for the event. Every year, the branding of the event is developed differently from the last and follows a theme for that particular year. "King of the Lou 7" followed the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins and was designed as a contemporary spin-off of incunabula books, while "King of the Lou 8" followed the theme of a cultish gypsy carnival.
With the support of Infinity Skate Shop, major companies like Adidas, Nike SB, Vans, and many more have sponsored the event since it first began in 2011.